Saturday, April 25, 2009

A 30% good and 70% bad day...

The Good

I walked toward the entrance of the vegetarian restaurant. I stood there...waiting. (Today's my first day at work at a new Japanese restaurant. I am waiting for someone to come pick me up to work at the designated place). Suddenly, a girl walked toward me from across the street. As she came closer, I realized she's my classmate whom I had not seen for five years. Then she asked me, "Are you going to work at *blank* restaurant?" And I was like, "What a small world! Yeah!" And then we started catching up on old times. I was quite happy to know that someone I was gonna work with someone I knew, so things should be a tad easier. Never did I thought...

The Bad

As I reach the restaurant, I can see that it was a small one. About fifty seats overall, and a few seats at the sushi bar. No carpet, so no vacumming. The dining area looks pretty good, nice atmosphere and lighting. BUT the kitchen is a mess. And the system too. The corridors are so narrow that it is hard for two people to pass each other, much more when we are carrying food in or out of the kitchen. The worst thing is the drinks are located along the narrow corridor. This make things even messier. Glasses and china easily fell to the floor because of the narrow corridor. Waiters pass each other all the time and I think it is very dangerous as some of the food items are hot. Another thing is the salad, which uses up to five ingredients. You need so many steps just to make a salad which is bullshit. Some of the ingredients can even be mixed beforehand to save trouble. Lastly, I made a mistake today and one of the waiters, (all of them are pretty nice except this one who thinks he is the best) began to yakkety-yak-yak. I was like, "Who the hell doesn't make a mistake before?"

All in all, this is a bad place to work IMO but I am still gonna need to work there for a bit (an undisclosable reason). I don't know if it is me or I am not used to the place yet, but so far so bad for me. Hope that everything will be well in days to come.

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