Monday, July 13, 2009

Harper's Island Finale


Finally, the last episode of Harper's Island is out. And this means that the killer is revealed. Besides John Wakefield as the murderer, there's an accomplice that helps him set traps and kill. The mystery person is none other than Henry Dunn, the so-called protagonist of the show! He plays the role of a nice guy, someone who is happy because he is getting married on the island. But all this is just a ploy to get Abby back to the island.

Everything is planned perfectly. Henry even got Jimmy to be his scapegoat for all the murders that happened. As an abandoned orphan, Henry is really pissed with his family. Besides that, Henry did all that just hoping that he could be with Abby forever on the island. He did it for love, which I think is pretty sad. After the whole ordeal, only four survivors are left; Shea, Madison, Abby, and Jimmy. Everyone else was killed on the island.

In a nutshell, I think this series is a pretty good one. With enough horror elements and suspense and a short number of episodes, it serves its purpose of being a scary murder mystery series. Although some of the acting is mediocre, the whole plot is still enough to keep the series going. I really hope there would be more series like this. Peace out!

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