Sunday, July 26, 2009


Lately, life has been a monotonous routine of eat, work, and sleep. Like a quote in Stephen King's book, life is SSDD (Same Shit, Different Day). Everyday is repetitive, same old shit. I can't seem to find the spark in life. Maybe I am just too tired. Sometimes, I just wanna succumb to the fatigue hammering at my legs, or even my soul. But I know life's journey is hard. With a new found motivation, I hope I can keep running this race. An arduous and long journey awaits me, the main concern being the ability to reach the end of the road. Just like RPG games too, I really wish that I can finish the quest with a couple of comrades. Don't really like soloing the whole thing. Anyway, here I come, the toughest and most critical point of my life, before the end of the world...

1 comment:

  1. This entry is execellent.....but a bit short longer entries should be helpful......good try but need more improvement......


Thanks for all your comments. I will work hard to improve this blog.