Friday, June 19, 2009

iPhone OS 3.0

Finally, the new OS for iPhone is out! 3.0 consists of a lot of new features. If you have an iPhone, you can download and install the software using iTunes. Just connect your iPhone to the computer and it will automatically request to download and install for you. For those of you who wanna check out the new features, you can go here.

On June 19th, the new iPhone 3G[S] will also be out. Lots of people will be queueing up for this new baby. It is an irony that these iPhones are updated every year. New models kept on appearing just like computers and other technological gadgets. It is hard for the consumers to just keep up with the latest model unless they are filthy rich.

Anyway, one must learn to be content with what they have. Only buy a new phone if you have the means to take care of the costs. Otherwise, just use a cheap phone. It all boils down to the same function: to call another person. ^_^


  1. My contract is ending soon...wish i can get one iphone too.

  2. Yes you should! Come down NY and get


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